
Hello everyone,

Thank you for stopping by!

I am a writer, lecturer and the author of Aesthetic Sustainability – Product Design and Sustainable Usage, Æstetisk bæredygtighed and Anti-trend – resilient design and the art of sustainable living.

I have recently started a new book project with the working title Uncultivated and am currently exploring the uncultivated way of life and the negation of cultural dogmas on the blog.

I am currently working on a brand new project called Southeast Saga. My intention is to engage in crafts development and sustainability here in my wonderfully wild southeastern part of the world (Bali and beyond) and offer a variety of aesthetically nourishing handcrafted products – as well as to rescue and revitalize some of all the piles and piles of discarded garments from all over the world that end up here in Indonesia. Furthermore Southeast Saga will feature a soulful journal and a gardening adventure (yes I am getting my hands dirty). Much more soon! But please follow my journey on Instagram.

The Immaterialist is my online laboratory in which I explore resilient design solutions, anti-trends, crafts preservation, cultural dogmas, and the sustainable, fulfilling, rewilded life in words and photos.

With love and respect, Kristine

PS: Follow me on Medium for (almost) daily articles!